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Michelle Martin

National Teams Coordinator [email protected]

Why Let Me Run?

After having children, running became a big part of my life for health reasons and to manage stress. Our family has always enjoyed being active outdoors and running was introduced to our boys at young ages. I've seen first-hand the before and after of how running and an active lifestyle positively impacts mood and behavior in my own children. I feel grateful to be part of such a great program that aids in developing social, emotional and physical health for our youth.

What is your role in Let Me Run?

In my role as National Teams Coordinator, I am responsible for getting teams up and running (literally!) in non-focus area regions around the country. By guiding new teams and coaches through the steps to starting a team, as well as providing assistance to seasoned coaches with information on continuing their Let Me Run programs, I have the pleasure of expanding Let Me Run's mission of reaching out to more boys through our engaging and unique program.

What do you hope for Let Me Run boys?

My hope is that every boy who participates in Let Me Run understands the value of how running, goal setting, encouraging others and an active lifestyle can influence a balanced approach to life. I'm hopeful this personal growth is something that can be carried into adulthood while making a few news friends and having fun along the way!